All initiatives
The initiative contemplates the rental and purchase of a building with 23 levels of offices and retailers as well as 8 levels of parking spaces located on a 6,827.87...
- Discarded/rejected
The Urban Parking System (SIDEU) aims to implement a public parking system, which includes 1,630 car parking spaces in three (3) buildings, for the sectors...
- Discarded/not viable
The project presented consists of the construction, operation and maintenance of a Government District that consolidates the main state institutions in the city of Santo Domingo in a single place...
- Discarded/not elegible
The Vehicle Technical Inspection will be in charge of establishing and guaranteeing the technical, mechanical and environmental suitability of the vehicles that circulate on the country's roads...
- Declared of public interest
It is a project that proposes the consolidation of the design, construction, start-up, operation, maintenance and financing of the Santiago Monorail project, as a structuring axis of the city, which...
- Discarded/rejected
This APP considers the design, construction, start-up, operation, maintenance and financing of the Santo Domingo Monorail as an alternative to private vehicle trips to high-quality, ecological mass public transportation...
- Discarded/rejected
The project involves consolidating all the Judicial Branch buildings corresponding to the Distrito Nacional into a judicial center to make the spaces for courtrooms and collaborative work more effective...
- Admitted and in the process of evaluation
The Intelligent Traffic Violation Control System proposes the virtual detection of violations and intelligent vehicle monitoring through a system of 81 electronic detection points...
- Admitted and in the process of evaluation
The initiative proposes the construction of an underground pipeline infrastructure using Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technology, which is minimally invasive. The initial project will be carried out in the central area of the Distrito Nacional...
- Admitted and in the process of evaluation
Holistic and sustainable project that involves the construction, operation and maintenance of a metropolitan train in Greater Santo Domingo, focused on the main road axes to...
- Admitted and in the process of evaluation
Filtros de proyectos
10 proyectos found