Project proposes the hiring of a private partner for the design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of a new toll road between Santiago de los Caballeros and Puerto Plata called Ambar highway, as well as for the operation and maintenance of the Northern Santiago de los Caballeros Ring Road. The Ambar highway is approximately 32.7 kilometers long with a design speed of 100 km/h, connecting the towns of Santiago de los Caballeros and Montellano (Puerto Plata). It will have a toll station whose collection management will be handled by the RD-Vial Trust. In this project, the ownership of all toll revenue will belong to the Managing Company; however, the toll collection management at the toll stations for both the Ambar highway and the Northern Santiago de los Caballeros Ring Road will be handled by the RD-Vial Trust.
Public-Private Initiatives
Ambar highway and Santiago Ring Road
Ambar highway and Northern Santiago Ring Road
The Atlantic Coast represents the second tourist pole of the Dominican Republic. With more than 10,000 hotel rooms, golf courses, restaurants, airport, commercial port, cruise port, road infrastructure, health system and energy connection, Puerto Plata is the main urban, commercial and tourist center of the Atlantic region.
The project consists of creating approximately 32.7 kilometers of infrastructure to address the current deficiency between the provinces of Santiago de los Caballeros (the second-largest province in the Dominican Republic in economic and demographic terms) and Puerto Plata (which hosts the second-largest tourist destination in the Dominican Republic and is the main city on the north coast). This deficiency is reflected in parameters of time, quality, safety, and resilience of land transportation, which are inferior to the infrastructure developed in the Eastern Region and Metropolitan Area of the country over the last 15 years, leading to significant lag in the socio-economic development of the province of Puerto Plata when compared to these regions.

Status: Dismissed process

Possible Contracting Authority(ies)
Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC)

Contractor Authority
Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC)

Prioritized Sector(s)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

APP Quisqueya, S. R. L.


Estimated initial investment
RD$ 21.59 billion dominican pesos (approximately US$395 millions) (CAPEX)

Total term of the contract
40 years

Qualification of Bidders or Manifestation of Interest
Until september 15th, 2023

Deadline for submitting envelope A and B
May 23, 2024
Process info
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